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KB1 Big Wheel Kids Scooter

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Streetsurfing K sērijas skrejriteņi ir lielisks veids, kā pārvietoties ar jebkuru bērnu vai jaunāko braucēju. Pateicoties lielajām 12 collu ar gaisu pildītajām riepām, jūs gūsiet labu kontaktu ar virsmu, neatkarīgi no tā, vai tā ir asfalts vai grants segums.

Arī apstāšanās nav problēma, jo gan priekšējo, gan aizmugurējo riteņu bremzes aktivizē ar rokas sviru, kā arī kājbremzi, kas atrodas klāja aizmugurē, lai būtu viegli iedarboties.

Šī bērnu skrejriteņa apdare ir patiešām jauka, un, pateicoties izmantotajiem materiāliem, tam būtu jāpaliek savam īpašniekam gadiem ilgi.

Tā riteņu bāze ir 36,2'' (92 cm).

Komplektā ir ātrās noņemšanas skrūve uz priekšējā riteņa.


Riteņa diametrs:
Chromoly Steel
Klāja garums:
44.5cm (17.5")
Klāja platums:
12.7cm (5")
Stūres materiāls:
Chromoly Steel 4130
Dual Braking System, Air Tires
Riteņa profils:
Off-road, Round
Partly assembled
Maksimālais braucēja svars:
100 kg
Parādīt visu

atsauksmes   (47)

Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Super scooter!!"
Joe Murphy (Broadford County Limerick) 21/11/16
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Scooter is very cool, it’s a bit too big for my daughter for pulling brakes but she will grow into it! The brakes sent the best & I got them looked at in a bike shop. The setup of the bicycle instructions are very poor & there should be a link for a video step by step! Also some sort of tools for assembling would be very handy for tightening & loosening! Otherwise we love it. My husband & I are going to purchase one for ourselves in the next day or too! Something with big wheels also"
Mary S. (Ennis) 21/04/26
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Scooter looks good. A bit heavy and not much glide when on country roads. Also breaks rubbish they actually don't stop the wheels at all."
N. kiely (Waterford) 21/04/17
Atbilde no SkatePro:  Amazing that the scooter looks good! If you think that something is wrong with the break, please get in touch with us so we can help you out with it. 😊
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"The best scooter ever !!!!! Great shop delivery on time."
Ewelina TURSKA (Midleton) 21/03/18
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Brilliant scooter, delivered within the time they said, my nearly 8 year old daughter is loving it, great for country bumpy roads"
Rachel Harrington (Beara) 21/02/01
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Excellent scooter. Great delivery, kept up to date at all times. Sturdy and strong build quality. Easily assembled. Would recommend SkatePro to my friends."
Joseph Corr (Rush) 21/01/25
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"lovely product . Very good service from your company. Prompt delivery. Thank you."
Olivia Kierans (Drogheda) 21/01/05
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Daughter loves it. Just turned 8. Well made and good value for the price."
CRAIG H. M. H. L. (kendal) 21/01/04
Rādīt visas 47 atsauksmes