Šie ir Tempish sieviešu hokeja slidas Detroit no Tempish. Lieliskas sākuma līmeņa slidas jaunpienācējām, kuras vēlas izskatīties un justies kā jaunietes, bet neaiztaupīt naudu. Šīs slidas ir nodrošinātas, lai jūsu kājas būtu siltas, mājīgas un ērtas pilnvērtīga treniņa vai hokeja spēles laikā.
Detroit slidas ir izgatavotas ar īpaši pastiprinātu ārējo apvalku, kas izgatavots no PVC materiāla, kurš joprojām ir elastīgs līdz pat -13°F (-25°C). Iekšējais oderējums ir anatomiski veidots oderējums, kas izgatavots no lateksa materiāla ar atmiņas īpašībām, kas nodrošina labāku piegulēšanu, jo vairāk tos lietojat. Šim oderējumam pievienota arī 8 mm filca mēle, kas veidota no divām daļām.
Apakšdaļā atrodas Tempish 7000 oglekļa tērauda asmeņu komplekts.
atsauksmes (55)
"Great a quality skate" | |
Daniel Wilson (Westford) | 22/01/11 |
"Beautiful skates. So thankful they fit! They look great and came in a timely manner. Thanks!" | |
Michelle Lindstrand (Kelowna) | 21/03/10 |
"Perfect fit, great skates." | |
Ellen Holmes (St Anns) | 21/03/01 |
"I couldn’t be happier with these skates. Shipping took a bit of time but the skate overall are great. I went up .3mm in size and they there’s enough wiggle room." | |
Tessa M. (Gatineau) | 21/02/11 |
"Great skates for the price. Definitely a step up from a rec skate and instantly comfortable. Super sharp, with the additional skate sharpening and arrived very fast to Canada" | |
Erica Cheah (Toronto) | 21/01/19 |
"Love them! Great skates for such a good price." | |
Carolina B. (Des Plaines) | 21/01/07 |
"Skates are an amazing quality given the price. Extremely stable and well cushioned - and looks fabulous like figure skates with the bone structure of hockey skates - great combination! Love the skates! Also very happy with the customer service of Skatepro - they answered all of my questions and shipped to Hawaii lighting fast! Much appreciated!!" | |
Yumi B. (HOnolulu) | 19/01/21 |
"Arrived on time. Blade sharpening services are excellent!! Skates are a perfect fit!" | |
D. Sauder (Lima) | 19/01/03 |