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Drop Cat Complete Longboard

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Slidojiet ar Drop Cat Complete no Landyachtz, kas ir longborda ar roķetēm nākotne

Uzkāpjot uz šīs frīderidinga platformas, jūs pilnībā kontrolēsiet situāciju, un tagad, pateicoties divvirzienu dizainam ar izgriezumiem, jūs varēsiet braukt tik spēcīgi, cik vien vēlaties.

Progresīva un rotaļīga uzstādīšana

  • Izbaudiet šī dēļa vibrāciju ar tā kāju fiksējošo ieliekumu un futūristisko roķera profilu.
  • Komplektā ietilpst Bear trucks un Hawgs "Plow King" riteņi.

Paziņojums: Riteņu un kravas automašīnu krāsu diemžēl nevar garantēt. Iespējamas arī nelielas saķeres lentes un grafikas atšķirības.

Modeļa specifikācijas

ModelisKlāja platumsKlāja garumsWheelbase
33" - Illuminacion9.625" (24.4cm)33" (83cm)23.9" (60.7cm)
33" - Seeker9.625" (24.4cm)33" (83cm)23.9" (60.7cm)
33" - Seeker 339.625" (24.4cm)33" (83cm)23.9" (60.7cm)
38" - Illuminacion9.9" (25.1cm)38.6" (98cm)29.3" (74.4cm)
38" - Seeker 389.9" (25.1cm)38.6" (98cm)29.3" (74.4cm)
38" - Vibes9.9" (25.1cm)38.5" (97.8cm)29.3" (74.4cm)
38.5" - Seeker9.9" (25.1cm)38.6" (98cm)29.3" (74.4cm)


Klāja materiāls:
Canadian maple, 8-ply
Klāja funkcijas:
Twin tip, Cut outs
Treki veids:
Inverted kingpin, Standard hanger
Hanger platums:
181mm (7.126")
Ass platums:
Hanger Grāds:
Treku gumijas:
Riteņa diametrs:
Riteņa platums:
Riteņa kontakta ielāps:
Riteņu cietība:
Riteņa materiāls:
PU casted, SHR
Gultņa precizitāte:
Prasmju līmenis:
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Izjādes stils:
Downhill, Freeride, Cruise, Carving

atsauksmes   (37)

Pārbaudīts pircējs
"the best board I've had in my life, truck wheels quality everything is 10/10++ but watch out for ,,policemen'' on the road you can easy scratch bc longboard is rly low. thanks again skatepro team , Recenzja od Polaka ! to naprawdę jest decha która spełni twoje oczekiwania zaufaj mi pozdrowionka !"
Jakub Jagelski (Kungsbacka) 22/08/25
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Fantastisk longboard, inte så mycket längre än en vanlig skateboard."
Jonathan W. (Nyköping) 22/08/06
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"33”, fantastisk bräda + supersnabb leverans!! Rekommenderar"
Moa B. (Vänersborg) 21/04/27
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Great board! Lots of fun!!!"
Jarno T. (Munakka) 21/05/17
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Huge recommendation for first board, excellent board! It is very easy to learn to ride, great for carving and also for downhills. Shipping was also quick as always! ;) Only minus about this is, the trucks were loose and I had to adjust them. Thankfully I had the truck-tool already, but some beginner buying their first board might get into troubles without truck-tool."
Eetu K. (Vaasa) 20/07/19
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Great complete longboard! The drop through setup with the rocker rides amazing and the looks are on point. Quality parts on a cool deck - can definitely recommend. Easy also for beginners (my wife loves it!)."
Marco Eckhardt (Helsinki ) 19/07/09
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Well I'm cruising down the street in my candy painted low Bouncing like a door, with 4 on my 6 4's I pull up wood gripping, doors tipping sitting low I'm hitting sixteen switches watch it stop and hit the floor"
Martin Nørregaard (Roskilde) 22/08/29
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Fantastisk komplet board, kan anbefales! Prisen er vild gunstig i forhold til at købe alle delene enkeltvis."
Tommy P. (København Nv) 19/07/24
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"I totally love this board. I’m new to longboarding and not exactly young but this board is ready to ride, low, fat wheels, fast and easy to control due to the concave deck. Just carrying it makes me feel cooler! Just buy one and see for yourself."
David K. (Walton) 22/04/21
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Vilt brett, skikkelig spontantkjøp, eneste jeg viste var at Landyachtz var bra. Carver veldig mye og stabiliteten til å ha ei flex på 6 var veldig bra, perfekte pendle/by brettet og di Plow Kingsa kan man kjøre over alt med! Jeg veier 87 og er 2 meter no problem. For dem som trenger et stabilt no effort pendlebrett er detta perfekt!"
Tommy Rørstad (Ytre Enebakk) 22/03/16
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Excelente serviço da Skatepro, com entrega rápida e descomplicada. O skate em si também é ótimo - muito bem construído, com um design atraente e extremamente veloz!"
TIAGO ROCHA (Cascais) 22/02/17
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Love it"
Justin Kossel (Enniscorthy) 21/09/20
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"ENGLISH / GERMAN ENG: It's a good board, however i'll have to mention this, in the pictures of the deck, where the brand name "LANDYACHTZ" is printed on the board, it looks a whole lot different on the actual board (i would've preferred the way it is on the pictures). Shipping was fast but the package was damaged quite a bit, it seems like SkatePro didn't/doesn't have large enough boxes for this board. GER: Gutes Board, jedoch ist zu bemerken, dass auf den Bildern vom Deck wo "LANDYACHTZ" steht, ganz anders aussieht als auf den Bildern hier. Lieferung war schnell, jedoch sah das karton sehr zerschlagen aus, da SkatePro scheins nicht genug lange Kartons hat.."
Oguz S. (Seewen) 21/06/24
Atbilde no SkatePro:  Hallo,

Danke für deine Bewertung.
Tut uns leid, dass der Karton beschädigt war - zum Glück ist nichts am Board passiert.
Bitte beachten den Produkthinweis:
Die Farbe der Rollen und Achsen kann leider nicht garantiert werden. Auch geringfügige Änderungen von Griptape und Grafik können auftreten.

Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Perfect for a beginner like me. Really smooth and flexible. I am 1,60 and the 33" board is the right size for me. Will have a lot of fun with it!!"
Kim L. (Offenbach) 21/05/27
Rādīt visas 37 atsauksmes
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