Piegāde 5-6 darba dienas
365 dienu atgriešanas
Adventure 62 Crown X-Lite slēpes ir pieejamas bezvasku slēpes iesācējiem un vidēji pieredzējušiem slēpotājiem. Šīs Fischer distanču slēpes ir aprīkotas ar NNN/NIS stiprinājumiem, kas ir saderīgi ar NNN, Prolink (NNN) un Turnamic (NNN) zābakiem. Izvēlieties slēpju garumu, kas ir aptuveni 5-25 cm lielāks par jūsu augumu.
- Air Channel koka kodols ar stiklšķiedras stiegrojumu, kas nodrošina izturīgu un vieglu konstrukciju ar optimālu svara sadalījumu.
- Sintec ir universāla bāzes apdare, kas nodrošina labu veiktspēju dažādos sniega apstākļos un temperatūrās.
- Offtrack Crown ir reljefs skalu raksts atsitiena zonā, kas nodrošina lielisku saķeri prom no sagatavotajām trasēm.
Šīm slēpēm pievienotās NNN/NIS saites ir arī Fischer Control Step-in saites.
Bāzes veids:
Offtrack Crown
Prasmju līmenis:
Beginner, Intermediate
Bāzes tehnoloģija:
Slēpošanas kodols:
Air Channel
Saderīga stiprinājumu sistēma:
NNN/NIS, Turnamic
Saderīgie zābaki:
NNN, Prolink (NNN), Turnamic (NNN)
Iekļautas slēpju ādas:
Slēpošanas veids:
Slēpošanas sāngriezums:
Plāksne jau iepriekš uzstādīta:
IFP Turnamic Plate
atsauksmes (3)
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Why would you sell a ski package as ‘backcountry’ if the bindings do not actually fit backcountry boots? I am a beginner at purchasing x-country gear, and thought NNN was standard, only to find that NNN-BC is actually something different entirely, and after a great amount of research, learned that it wasn’t just me not understanding how to click into the bindings, but that the backcountry boots I bought to go with this ‘backcountry’ package don’t actually fit the NOT backcountry bindings/skis. So, not such a great deal in the end. If you’re finally splurging on new skis to replace your mom’s 1980s hand-me-downs, be advised: This is a TOURING set, i.e. with classic x-country NNN bindings, NOT NNN-BC (backcountry) if you’re wanting an actual backcountry set. I’ve read elsewhere that you can’t even install BC bindings on these." | |
Margaret Amundson (Helena) | 25/01/07 |
Atbilde no SkatePro: Hi, thank you for your feedback! We’re sorry to hear there has been confusion regarding the compatibility of the bindings and boots! To clarify, this package includes NNN bindings and not NNN-BC bindings or other specific backcountry bindings. We make sure to provide this information on our website to ensure customers are aware of the type of binding included in the package. Regarding the classification of this as “backcountry,” the Fischer Adventure 62 Crown X-Lite is indeed a hybrid ski, offering a combination of touring and backcountry features. It falls more into the backcountry category, which is why it is listed there. However, it does not come with the more rugged backcountry bindings. We understand your frustration and apologize for any confusion regarding the compatibility of the bindings and boots! / Your SkatePro team |