Piegāde 5-6 darba dienas
365 dienu atgriešanas
Salt uzgriežņu un skrūvju komplekts ir lielisks svarīgāko rezerves skrūvju un uzgriežņu komplekts, kas bieži tiek nomainīts un ir piemērots lielākajai daļai komplektu. Glabājiet tās kā rezerves daļas, kad tās būs nepieciešamas, vai arī uzreiz veiciet smalku krāsu maiņu. Skrūves un uzgriežņi ir no CrMo tērauda, bet vārstu vāciņi ir no alumīnija.
Lielisks svarīgāko uzgriežņu un skrūvju apvienojums
- 2 x 10 mm ass uzgriežņi (priekšējam ritenim)
- 2 x 14 mm ass uzgriežņi (aizmugurējais ritenis)
- 6 x 8 mm kāta skrūves
- 2 x vārstu vāciņi
- 4 x starplikas
atsauksmes (57)
"Fast" | |
David Wall (Whitecourt) | 23/07/07 |
"Look elsewhere, these feel cheap and breakable. Shadow makes much stronger ones." | |
Eriq S. (Mckinney) | 22/01/05 |
"Perfect, exactly what I needed and great service, thanks!" | |
Marie Bergin (Sale) | 21/04/06 |
"Excellent value for money and looks awesome finished off my bike nicely" | |
Kelly Wilkinson (Padfield Ward) | 20/11/10 |
"I bought these to add some colour to my bike and replace rusty ones, turns out I actually needed them. The rear axle nut has same size thread as my previous ones but is a smaller socket size (17mm instead of 19mm) which allowed me to actually get my socket down my pegs. VERY HAPPY. Also they look really good, paint has scratched off after a few punctures but even chipped it looks lovely compared to plain steel alternatives." | |
J. Nangla (Hemel Hempstead) | 20/10/10 |
"Good" | |
Damion Richards (Kilcock, Co Kildare) | 20/07/01 |
"These are really nice. I guess it can’t be avoided but the wheel nuts scratched a bit when I did them up tight but still look pretty sweet. Great website and amazing delivery time. Being based in Uk in was concerned how long they’d take to get here but they got here quicker than stuff I’ve ordered from the UK." | |
Maxim Siliprandi (Wymondham) | 20/04/20 |
"Great service" | |
Dave O'Gorman (Navan) | 20/02/03 |