Denisa Enarsona BMX pedāļi visam laikam
Haro SD pedāļi ir ne tikai profesionālā riteņbraucēja Denisa Enarsona firmas pedāļi - tie ir arī tie paši pedāļi, ar kuriem Deniss ikdienā pārvietojas.
Tehniskās īpašības
- Projektējis, testējis un braucis pats Dennis Enarson no San Diego (SD).
- Izturīgi pedāļi ar blīvētiem gultņiem un pilnām 4130 hroma asīm
- Rievots zema profila plastmasas korpuss, kas samazina svaru un palielina saķeri.
- 12 kvadrātveida tapas katram pedālim - izstrādātas, lai uzlabotu kloķīša rokas slīdēšanu un pedāļu slīpēšanu.
Pedāļa ass diametrs:
Pedāļa materiāls:
atsauksmes (2)
"Super nice pedals with wide platform and just right amount of pins for grip. Very smooth bearings. Not surprised why Dennis Enarson is using them. Many thanks" | |
Malcolm Stephens (Birmingham) | 24/05/01 |
"Don't like not having 15mm flats on axle. I had to cut these off my cranks (I did apply grease when installing). Also the rubber grommet always comes away from where it should be, allowing dirt to get inside pedal. The pedal feels comfortable but once pins wear a little there is little grip" | |
D. Alizadeh-Ghannad (Hastings) | 21/09/28 |
Atbilde no SkatePro: Thank you so much for your time writing the comment! I'm sorry to hear that you had to cut them. One of our agents will contact you right away to ask you for more information about the incident so that we can find a solution as soon as possible. We remain at your complete disposal if you need anything else. /Skatepro team |