Piegāde 5-6 darba dienas
365 dienu atgriešanas
Distanču slēpošanas nūjas izgatavotas no 50% oglekļa
Šīs slēpošanas nūjas ir lieliska izvēle lielākajai daļai slēpotāju. Tās ir piemērotas gan atpūtas slēpošanai, gan treniņiem, gan sacensībām.
Šīs slēpju nūjas patiks gan iesācējiem, gan pieredzējušiem slēpotājiem.
- Slēpošanas nūjas ir patīkami elastīgas, jo 50 % no tām ir izgatavotas no oglekļa un 50 % no stikla šķiedras.
- Pateicoties oglekļa un stikla šķiedras konstrukcijai, jūs izbaudīsiet to nelielo svaru.
- Slēpošanas nūjas varēsiet labi kontrolēt, jo rokturi ir satverami un izgatavoti no korķa.
- braucot lielā ātrumā, jūs sajutīsiet īpaši labu jaudas pārnesi, pateicoties ergonomiskajām siksniņām.
Rokturu siksnu izmērs atbilst slēpošanas nūjasgarumam.
- Līdz 140 cm nūjas garumam = S (mazā) izmēra siksniņa.
- 145 cm - 155 cm nūjas garums = M izmēra siksna (vidēja izmēra).
- no 160cm nūjas garuma = L izmēra siksniņa (liela)
Piezīme: Mēs iesakām izmantot Longway Rollerski nūju uzgaļus. Lūdzu, pievērsiet uzmanību saderīgajām daļām labajā pusē.
Compatible parts
Find products compatible with Longway 50% Carbon Distanču Slēpošanas Nūjas:
Uzgaļa diametrs:
atsauksmes (111)
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Poles have been good so far. The hand straps are a little small for me with the thinnest gloves. Maybe there was an option for bigger ones that I didn’t see when ordering" | |
Jerry cronin (Waterford) | 24/07/09 |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Fast shipping and great poles, love them!" | |
Lily R. G. (Canmore) | 23/08/22 |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Awesome poles! They come with a standard winter basket and some. I'm using these for roller skiing, so, I will probably replace the tip soon. Awesome price for these poles!" | |
Jan Jindra (Redwood City) | 23/07/06 |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Great poles. If you are ordering the poles to be used for roller skiing ie as per pack adverdised on a web It woulfd be helpfull to have a note these poles do not come fitted with tips for roller skiing. I would suggest there is a additonal suggestion these cross counrty poles are going to need an additional tips for roller skiing." | |
Jolanta R. (Titchfield Common Ward) | 23/06/18 |
Atbilde no SkatePro: Thank you so much for your review. We are glad you are happy with ski poles.😊 That is a great suggestion. I will announce the responsible department to add this information. //SkatePro Team |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"These poles were light, strong and just what I needed to propel my Powerslide XC150 trainers to new speeds. A great price when I bought them and a good selection of sizes in stock. The pole sizer guide on the site helped massively when choosing the correct kit for my setup. Aftercare service from SkatePro is evident - they contacted me after the sale to check everything was in order. Couldn't be happier with this purchase." | |
Doug L. (. D. (Brooklands) | 23/05/19 |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Good happy" | |
Chris Wichman (Tahoe City) | 23/05/05 |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"These just arrived and the wrist straps are not just a bit small, they are TINY, too small for my average-sized hands to fit even without gloves. My overall build is slim to average. Maybe these are designed for very fit racer hands where the skier is only wearing a tight leather glove to protect the skin? Not a feasible fit for most recreational skiers." | |
Carmen Beauchesne (Lacombe) | 23/01/26 |
Atbilde no SkatePro: Hey, Thank you for your review! Sorry to hear, that the straps are appearing too small for your hands. In cases like this, I would recommend buying bigger straps in addition to the poles, since the shortest lengths are using size small in straps. If you have any questions to this, feel free to reach out :) / Your SkatePro Team |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"I really like the hand straps" | |
Christopher McDowell (Carbondale) | 22/01/31 |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Wrist straps were too small for me, I couldn't wear my usual (or any warm) gloves with them so I sent them back." | |
Laurie C. (Kelowna) | 22/01/27 |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Looks great, packaged very well." | |
Kevin Van Fleet (Greensburg) | 21/04/23 |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Love these! Well priced. * Nice quality. * Arrived on-time.* Packed well.* Have to wait til next winter to use though, so I can't give the 5th star yet." | |
sct clv (Belleville) | 21/04/15 |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"It is an alright product. The reason for the bad review is the delayed Fedex customs charge even though I have ordered it on skatepro.ca." | |
Thomas Schneider (Yellowknife) | 21/04/05 |
Atbilde no SkatePro: Hi Thomas, Thank you for taking the time to write a review👌 Yes, we are not a Canadian company. We are based in Denmark and we mention in the checkout that you will need to pay import taxes upon the delivery and we show an estimate amount. unfortunately, FedEx has had major delays and they have not been sending out invoices for the import taxes to all our Canadian customers in time, so that is why you have received the invoice after you have received your purchase... I know this is a very unpleasant surprise.. I am sorry about this... Please let us know if you have any questions /Vesta |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Prompt delivery and just what we wanted." | |
James O'Malley (Park City) | 21/03/19 |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Poles were excellent. Very happy with purchase." | |
Charles Moody (Syracuse) | 21/03/16 |