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365 dienu atgriešanas
Fischer Twin Skin 100% Mohēra šaurais
Rezerves Twin Skins paredzētas Fischer distanču slēpes. Izgatavotas no 100% mohēra, kas nodrošina perfektu saķeri un slīdēšanu.
Izmēra norādījumi - ādas garums ir mērīts centimetros.
Izmēriet vecās ādas garumu, lai izvēlētos pareizo garumu.
Izmēru tabula un saderība:
- 33 cm ir piemērotas: Twin Skin Carbon Jr (157/162/167).
- 37 cm atbilst: Twin Skin Carbon Jr (172/177/182/187) un Twin Skin Carbon (187/192).
- 41 cm ir piemērots:
- Twin Skin Carbon (197/202/207).
- Twin Skin Race (187/192)
- Twin Skin Superior (182/187/192)
- Twin Skin Supreme (179/184/189)
- Twin Skin Active Mohair (182/187/192)
- Piemērots 45 cm:
- Twin Skin Race (197/202/207)
- Twin Skin Superior (197/202/207)
- Twin Skin Supreme (194/199/204)
- Twin Skin Active Mohair (197/202/207)
atsauksmes (3)
"I ordered 2 pair and they were too short for my skis. I ordered on my phone and I didn't realize that a 33 meant that was the size. I thought that was the product number." | |
B. FAH (Edson) | 24/03/04 |
Atbilde no SkatePro: Hi Belinda, thank you for taking your time to give us feedback. We're sorry about your experience. Regardless on which device you order from us, it's shown above the "Add to cart" button that Size: 33. Moreover, the sizing is also explained in the product description. If we can help you with anything else, feel free to reach out to us. ✌ /Your SkatePro Team |