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Bollie pirkstu dēļu komplekts.

Komplektā ietilpst:

  • Komplektā ietilpst: koka klājs
  • Īstas kravas automašīnas
  • īstas bukses
  • Dziļa ieliekta forma
  • Griptape
  • Montāžas rīks

Šis komplekts nav samontēts.

10 cm x 3 cm

Parādīt visu

atsauksmes   (103)

Pārbaudīts pircējs
"It was a gift for our son and he was delighted with the only thing is an adult would need to assemble it for younger kids but over all very good"
Paul MC’carthy (Cork city northside) 20/12/29
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"This was bought as a gift delighted to say they were thrilled with it. Fast and efficient service"
Debbie Cahill (Bournemouth) 20/10/12
Rādīt visas 103 atsauksmes