Powerslide Pro Air Tri-Pack II Woman Skate Pads 3-pack ir pilnīgs komplekts ar lieliskiem un ērtiem sieviešu plaukstu, elkoņu un ceļgalu aizsargiem.
Piezīme: šim produktam ir kosmētisks defekts. Bojājumi" var atšķirties atkarībā no iepakojuma, un jums ir jārēķinās ar skrāpējumiem un noplēstu krāsu. Lūdzu, skatiet produkta attēlus, lai iepazītos ar tiem. Šis defekts neietekmē funkcionalitāti.
Komplekts ir paredzēts sievietēm un nodrošina ne tikai lielisku aizsardzību, bet arī daudz forša komforta.
Plaukstu aizsargi ir izgatavoti ar atvērtu aizmugurējo daļu un izgatavoti no elpojošiem materiāliem, savukārt elkoņu un ceļgalu aizsargplāksnes ir iepriekš veidotas un izgatavotas no EVA putām.
Viss komplekts ir izgatavots ar CoolMax oderējumu, kas nodrošinās svaigumu visas sesijas laikā.
atsauksmes (33)
"Awesome pack" | |
m. slaucitajs (Toronto) | 23/10/08 |
"Absolutely brilliant, they are very ergonomic , soft and covered efficient every part of the body in high risk. Recommended buying , they saved me very well when I felt off ." | |
Sandra Leslie (Camberley) | 21/04/06 |
"I wanted some quality well fitting adult protection for roller skates as I am a beginner and these are brilliant - fit really well and will definitely give me the protection I need when I go a** over t** which is inevitable but at least I can skate with confidence knowing that with these on I won’t hurt myself on my elbows, knees or hands! I paid a bit more to get quality and having seen what less money will get you (as my son has been riding a scooter for years) I am so glad I paid that bit more as these are far superior to anything we ever got him. It does not pay off to pay less for your protection!" | |
Ruby B. (Poole) | 21/03/16 |
"Perfect fit and comfortable to wear" | |
Michaela Troy (Wexford) | 21/02/09 |
"Really love these guards. The knee and elbow guards have two strap options for better support/grip. They are very comfortable and seem to be of high quality." | |
Ryan Burns (Austin) | 21/01/06 |