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Derby Jump Red Quad Roller skates

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Šīs Chaya parka skrituļslidas ir augstas klases kvadra skrituļslidas, kurās ir iekļautas daudzas tehnoloģijas, ko Chaya ir pilnveidojusi, pateicoties savai mīlestībai pret Roller Derby.

Jump skrituļslidas zābaks ir augstas griezuma pakāpes ādas/PU apvilkts zābaks ar tīklveida iekšpusi. Dizains lielā mērā iedvesmojies no kedu dizaina, un ar putām polsterētais zābaks ir ērts valkāšanai ilgāku laiku. Šņorēšana ir veidota tā, lai zābaks labi un cieši piegulētu pie pēdas, tādējādi uzlabojot kontroli.

Šo skrituļslidu plāksnes ir Chayas Shari plāksnes. Tās ir izgatavotas no neilona un stikla šķiedras maisījuma, kas nodrošina izturīgu un vieglu plāksni. Kopā ar 20° leņķī lieto alumīnija trucks un Jelly Interlock spilveniem jūs iegūsiet ļoti manevrētspējīgas kvadra skrituļslidas, ar kurām ir jautri slidot un kuras ir viegli kontrolēt.

Octo Paseo riteņi ar mīkstu un saķeri izturīgu 78A durometru. Apvienojumā ar Wicked ABEC7 gultņiem jūs iegūsiet patiešām lielisku komplektu. Ņemiet vērā, ka, ja plānojat izmantot šīs skrituļslidas tikai iekštelpu derbijiem, iespējams, vēlēsieties iegādāties cietākus riteņus, kas būs labāk piemēroti šim nolūkam. Vadības ierīces pirkstu bremzes padara virziena maiņu un apstāšanos pavisam vieglu.

Šīs skrituļslidas var izmantot arī regulārai slidošanai ārpus telpām. Taču ideālā gadījumā tās būtu jāizmanto parkos un uz verti, kur tās patiešām pilnībā atklāj savu potenciālu. Tā kā zābaku potītes garums ir vidēji izgriezts, tās ir lieliski piemērotas arī iesācējiem skrituļslidošanas derbijā (tomēr tam var būt nepieciešami cietāki iekštelpu riteņi).

Compatible parts

Find products compatible with Chaya Derby Jump Red Quad Roller skates:

Compatible parts


Plāksnes materiāls:
Fiber glass, Plastic, Composite

atsauksmes   (42)

Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Amazing skates, incredible value. Super fast shipping!"
Vanessa b. (Whittier) 20/08/31
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"I really love these skates! I have only recently started to play roller derby and wanted some decent skates I could use outdoors to practice, but that I could also later take to the skate park. These skates do come up a little small, even when I measured my feet and bought a size according to the measurements. They are beginning to give a little, however, and are certainly not tight enough to hurt my feet. The wheels they come with are great, really smooth even on rough tarmac, and the toe stops are brilliant. They're really supportive but the cushions are not so hard that it hurts my feet and shins trying to turn. I'm still getting used to them but really enjoying just skating round the park like a muppet and practising transitions and laterals! I feel like these skates will be able to keep up with me as I grow as a skater. I'd really recommend them."
Becci Fearnley (Reading) 19/11/05
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"On time and as described; will shop again no doubt, didn’t have any troubles."
Alejandro M. (El Paso) 19/02/25
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Really like these. They looked like they would be soft around the heel but are super robust. Just the right amount of support and really nicely balanced feel when turning. Do run a bit small IMO. Order a size up?"
Rebecca Thorby (Norwich) 19/02/05
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Great item. My daughter loves them. Super sonic shipping for being out of the country. A+. Great company. Thanks"
John Seacat (Littleton) 19/01/10
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"i love the look of these skates. So Thriller era Michael Jackson! These are my first pair of flat skates. Was skating on heels (Candy Girls) for a year but wanted to switch it up and try a cute affordable pair of flats since I'm starting to learn to Jam Skate. After an initial breaking in period, the addition of a foam heel wedge and a swap to a pair of fame wheels, these skates are awesome. The wheels they come with are great for tricks and aerobic skate, but no sharp edge means and kind of roller dance and even rink skating are really hard. I'm glad I got them. Will probably upgrade to a metal plate if the boot holds up, but so far they are working really well for me and I would recommend them to someone looking for an affordable skate option with an adjustable toe stop, flat foot and decent set of bearings."
Kristy Baltezore (Los Angeles) 19/01/03
Pārbaudīts pircējs
"Purchased these skates for my adult son and he loves them. He has used them many times skating outdoors with friends. Am considering purchasing a pair for my granddaughter for her next birthday."
Cynthia Reichenbacher (East Brady) 19/01/02
Rādīt visas 42 atsauksmes
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