Heliums ir gludas un ātras skrituļslidas no Roll-Line. Īpaši paredzēti slidošanai uz asfalta. Tiem ir augsta nodilumizturība un stabila saķere gan uz gluda, gan raupja asfalta.
Piezīme: Helium riteņu rumba ir par 0,8 mm platāka nekā standarta derbija riteņiem, tāpēc tie nederēs ar Chaya Shiva plāksnēm.
atsauksmes (8)
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"I absolutely love these wheels, such a smoother ride and roll ...not good for asphalt though. Took a while for the spaces and bearings to have a free roll, as the bearing were not easy to out in. Once you figure it out and get the flow going of putting spacers and bearing in then its easy peasy." | |
AZAR MENDOZA (los angeles) | 20/04/04 |