Izturīgas bezceļu skrituļslidas ar cieto zābaku konstrukciju stabilitātei. Ar šo skrituļslidām braukšana pa jebkuru virsmu ir viegls uzdevums. Pārbrauciet pļavas laukumus un citas parasti skrituļslidotājiem nedraudzīgas vides un maksimāli palieliniet savu fizisko slodzi. - Brauciet bezceļa apstākļos!
Ritenis: 150 mm gaisa riepas
Gultņi: 608, ABEC 5
Apvalks un stiprinājums: Atbalsta cietais zābaks ar 165 mm stiprinājumu.
Pārrāvums: Regulējams pārrāvums: aproces pārrāvums (regulējams pārrāvums)
Paziņojums: Gaisa riteņus drīkst sūknēt tikai līdz maksimāli 85 psi priekšpusē un 65 psi aizmugurē.
Riteņa diametrs:
Bremžu tips:
Gultņa precizitāte:
165 mm
Riteņa tips:
Air tire
Skrituļslēpes veids:
Riepu spiediens:
Gultņa funkcija:
Free Flowing
Rāmja materiāls:
Prasmju līmenis:
atsauksmes (20)
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"Bought these for road use. The pneumatic tires mean changing surfaces no problem. The profile is lower making it ideal for XC skate users. The frames are long enough to feel stable, but short enough to be maneuverable, especially for change of direction. I purchased the all-in-one version in lieu of the typical boot and roller ski version as there is no such thing as a warm weather XC boot. This was important as I live in Phoenix AZ. I have used them at 95+ F, they are vented sufficiently. The brake works well. The straps are a bit finicky but once you understand how they work, and use them a few times it got easier to take off. All said an excellent purchase. Good value." | |
Jacquelyn Lockwood (Chandler) | 19/10/07 |
Pārbaudīts pircējs | |
"One tube valve was not out enough to inflate. Pulling it out caused it to puncture. Need to order another. Otherwise, my husband loves his Nordic skates!" | |
Marianne Haugh (Alexandria) | 18/03/26 |